Coronavirus & Draven's Apparel

Due to the impact COVID-19 has had on our supply chain, Draven's Apparel is currently fulfilling orders at a limited capacity. 

What does this mean?

Some products can be fulfilled with only slight delays, but other products may only be available in certain variants or not at all.


Can I still place orders?

Yes, you can still place orders - either manually or through an integrated store. The Draven's Apparel website and other digital services remain unaffected. 

If we receive an order we can't currently fulfil it will be held until it can be. Once we can source these products again we will fulfil held orders in chronological order by date & time paid. If we can not fulfil the order by 30 days we will offer a full refund.

Is delivery affected?

The Coronavirus pandemic has affect all aspects of daily life, including delivery networks. Royal Mail is experiencing delays in the UK. 

International delivery speed depends on how the country in question has been affected. Some countries are experiencing delays, and others have suspended their mail services completely.

We will continue to ship orders which are experiencing delays, but we will hold orders to the countries that have suspended their mail services as per Royal Mail's recommendations.